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Seared Salmon and Chilled Asparagus Soup Shooters


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First was seared salmon[@rev]. I used the usual technique with a bit longer in the oven since they were thick. For seasoning, I used some Penzey's Fox Point. They came out very, very good. Nice sear on both sides, lots of flavor, and cooked to a good level of doneness. We served it on some spring mix

Meredith made chilled asparagus soup shooters. She lightly roasted asparagus (425 4-5 min) with smoked salt. She then chopped it and blended in the food processor with 2/3 cup water and 2/3 cup almond milk. Seasoned with salt and Herbs de Provence (to taste). Finally she garnished it with a splash of truffle infused olive oil.

They were a tad bit strange but still very good. The soup-shooter idea is kind of fun as it gives the meal a small side that is not overpowering.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 7821, 2014-05-13_215504